Milford Recreation Department
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Spark Business Academy: Debate Club and Finance Club

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SPARK offers innovative, skills-based programs promoting 21st century skills like financial  literacy, entrepreneurship and leadership for students in grades preK-12.  Our empowering programs feature various formats, including after-school classes, summer camps, workshops and Project Days (full-day/half-day workshops featuring project-based, experiential learning for an entire grade). Chuchi founded SPARK in 2013 leveraging a successful career in business & finance and a passion for inspiring kids.

Our programs are successful because they:
» Appeal to a wide range of learners with differing
learning styles.
» Foster transferable skills like teamwork,
independent thinking, and problem-solving.
» Develop positive traits in students such as
perseverance and self-confidence.
» Promote creativity and calculated risk-taking in a
nurturing environment. 
SPARK’s unique programs have been praised as
pioneering by Business Week, Bloomberg TV, Georgetown Business and international publications.

Milford Recreation After School Programs:

Debate Club (Grades 3-5)
Learn the art of persuasion! Students work in rotating groups and practice their debating skills in a supportive environment, including developing arguments, issuing rebuttals, providing examples, rebuilding their case and summarizing points of view. Students learn to think on their feet and enhance their public-speaking skills, gaining self-confidence in the process.

Finance Club (Grades 6-8)
Learn how to manage your money in this program promoting essential life skills! Set your financial goals, develop a budget from scratch, shop for a credit card and calculate the monthly cost of your dream car!

Contact Information
For more information contact Ken Catino at (203) 783-3390 or by e-mail

Cancellation Information
  • In the event of inclement weather, the cancellation decision will be made 2 hours before the activity begins.
  • Cancellation Information will be posted on
  • If the program is canceled an email and/or text message will be sent to all registered participants.
  • Please be sure to update your Household Account with your current contact information and that you opt to receive cancellation information.

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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